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We are a group of concerned professionals, based around the island of Ireland but each with a unique link back to Cork. We recognise that Cork is a City of Sanctuary and we are all indebted in some way to the city that we call home. We are committed to raising our collective voices on behalf of Cork and confirming that #corksaysno to Human Trafficking.


The group has been in existence since earlier this year and since its foundation, membership has grown quickly, a clear response to the concerns which grow across Ireland for the nature of the second fastest growing industry in the world: Human Trafficking. Membership includes representatives from Cork Sexual Violence Centre, NASC, MECPATHS, The Gardai, The Legal Aid Board, The HSE, UCC and Kevin Hyland O.B.E., The First Anti-Slavery Commissioner to The UK.


We are asking the people of Cork to join us in Membership. Experiencing Cork Living and Cork life is a unique and great thing. We are a small European City but great in so many ways. We want to ensure that every citizen of Cork is living safely in our city and experiencing the best opportunities that they can. Collectively, we are the CAHT Team. We hope you will join us to #rebelagainsthumantrafficking

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